North Oakland Sinior Center City of Oakland
Garden of Joy
The sculpture garden of North Oakland Senior Center was made to honor elderly persons and give them a place to relax and rest. It was remodled into an elderly person facilities in 1998 from Oakland Merit College that had been the base of the Black Panthers in the middle of the civil rights movement in Oakland. The facilities are used for meetings, and recreation.
I had discussions with city officials, the architect, landscape architect and the community, during the design phase, and exchanged opinions about the needs of the facility. The interchange with the community was an important process of the work structure. Wisdom from the longtime experience of elderly persons and their history became the theme. For example, water springs out from a 4 ton bolder fountain in the middle of site, and symbolizes the wisdom of seniors long time life experience. Grooves I carved into granite are remincient of Japanese sand gardens and are metaphors of the physical history of senior persons. I wanted to show that senior person’s wrinkles are not just showing age, but expressing beauty like tree rings made by the way of their living. As a whole garden, it creates a mood that can be relaxed and quiet, feeling like a Japanese garden.
North Oakland Senior Center の彫刻庭園は地域の高齢者の方たちのこれまでの社会人としての貢献を顕彰し、なおかつそこで、ゆっくりとくつろいでもらうという、シンボリックな面と機能的な面を併せ持った、複合的な作品です。